Specializing In All Residential Fencing and More


Meet the face of NarrowGate…

Chris Clippard, is the owner and founder of NarrowGate Fencing. Our story goes a little something like this…
Chris was laid off from his career as an industrial equipment mechanic in 2020. Like many folks in twenty-twenty, our lives were forever changed! Chris and his wife, Kaila, prayed for direction on the next steps to take. Shortly after, Chris started to receive calls for fencing and other construction related needs. It’s a little-known fact for those who know him, that he has a meticulous eye for detail, and is a true perfectionist at heart. Creating and building comes natural to him.
The calls and recommendations continued to come in, and thus a business was birthed!
NarrowGate stems from the scripture, Matthew 7:13-14. 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
With Jesus as our foundation and guide, we are now here serving Lincoln County and surrounding for your fencing needs. We utilize quality American made materials, while providing excellent service, and a guarantee a job well done!
If you have a fencing need, please give us a call! We’d be happy to help!


We are excited to earn your business!


Chris & Kaila Clippard

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